Joe Hays


from brklyn to the lou; from preaching to teaching


Here is the mission of Christ’s Church for Brooklyn:

Christ’s Church for Brooklyn seeks to be a living presence of Christ in Brooklyn:

By being Christ’s body, a community of people who genuinely love each other and who welcome all those seeking the hope and peace of God in their lives;

By being Christ’s hands and feet through service to our neighbors, in Brooklyn and beyond, sharing ourselves and what we have just as Christ himself has done.

The four words that stand out to me are presence, love, welcome and service. Those sound like Kingdom words, no? And so these will be the marks of our church and they will be the criteria for us to know if we are on the right track or not.

Filed under: CCfB, mission

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  1. carrie says:

    Congrats on your new endeavor. I think that it is so great that you are so dedicated and ambitious. I hope you achieve all of goals. You are an inspiration to many people.
    Carrie 🙂

  2. Brandynn says:

    It’s short for “various and sundry”, which by my definition would be a miscellaneous assortment of thoughts, things, tidbits, not related to each other. But as for origin or how it got shortened, no clue. Going to Google now.

  3. Kester Smith says:

    Good stuff. At Immanuel our vision is to become more like Jesus through our relationships — with God, with others, and with those who are in need. Our mission is simply to bring people to Jesus and be Jesus to people. I like that your mission appreciates the need to draw near to Christ and the need to become more like him and draw near to others. Good stuff.

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