Joe Hays


from brklyn to the lou; from preaching to teaching

Living Words

Laura here.

After I left my surprise party Saturday night I felt like I was flying. Even though it was midnight when we arrived home (I know this is not late for some of you), I had a hard time falling asleep. If Joe had been awake he probably would have said I was glowing in the dark.

Have you ever had the privilege of sitting in a room full of people while they shared kind and thoughtful things about you? Probably not. I realized after the fact, that situations like I experienced on Saturday typically do not occur while people are still living. We usually wait until someone has passed away to sit around and say wonderful things about them and the way they lived their life. Why do we wait until they’re dead?

Are we too busy? Would it just be too awkward? Do we feel like they probably already know whatever it is we would share with them?

Let me speak from experience. I will forever cherish the words that were spoken to me that night. I will remember who spoke them and what was said. I will remember the way their words encouraged me to keep living one more day; to be proud of the life I am living; to recognize my worth as a mother, friend, wife.

I have walked taller and prouder this week because of their words. Is there anyone you could help live taller this week through your words? Why don’t you share those words while they’re still around to hear them?

BTW, thank you honey for the party. It was perfect.

Filed under: Uncategorized

April 2006

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